A popular and profitable way to make money online is to write articles and blog. There are numerous sites that will pay you to write articles and blog on their site or allow you to make money writing and blogging on their site by sharing the revenue generated from your articles. Mainly, these sites will allow you to place ads on your articles using programs such as Google Adsense or Amazon Associates and you can make money through these programs. Making money by writing articles and blogging is particularly popular because you can earn passive income indefinitely. This means that while you must do the initial work of writing the article, you continue to earn money from your article indefinitely without having to do further work. By writing enough profitable articles you can build a strong passive income stream that may supplement. It is possible to be so successful writing articles that you can work from home writing articles and make a decedent wage rather than have a traditional job.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Triond allows you to get paid to write articles without having some of the requirements of other paid to write sites have such as a high word count. However, Triond does require that all content be original and that you include tags (important for SEO!) and an image (from their collection of images) with your article.
At Triond you can earn money in three ways. The first is based upon page views. Triond is not forthcoming with an algorithm for earnings per page view and it varies based upon the site's income and the revenue brought in by your articles. (In other words, articles on different topics will earn different amounts per page view.) When you first join Triond, this is the only way to make money.
Once you have reached minimum payout (50 cents via Paypal), you can increase your earnings by integrating your Google Adsense ID. Your Adsense ID will be portrayed on Adsense ads on your articles 50% of the time. Triond's Adsense ID will be placed in the ads the other 50% of the time.
Additionally, once you have reached payout, you can also refer members to Triond. You will earn 10% of the revenue from your referrals' articles.
You can start making money writing for Triond by joining here.
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